Verbalization of Precedent Thinking from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Communication

Author’s name:

Nadezhda A. Golubeva


Precedence as one of the most universal categories in our thinking enjoys unflagging interest among experts in humanities and social sciences. The purpose of the article is to prove the hypothesis about interparadigmality of precedent linguistics as a research field whose object is precedence units. This issue is specially relevant since the study of any manifestation of precedence in linguistic, cognitive, semiotic, and cultural projection has a high heuristic po-tential. The article contributes to the already existing body of knowledge by attempting to find similarities in the terms that are different in their linguo-philosophical meanings, namely: “precedence”, “cross-cultural communication” and “globalization,” as well as adapt new terms within the field of precedent linguistics.
The article presents current scholarly debates about the specifics of precedent thought as that which ontologically predominates in the system of thinking which is realized by precedent units. It leads to the conclusion that any language system goes back to precedent thinking as something genetically precedent. It means that, as objects of linguistic analysis, precedent lin-guistic units are a prioiri devoid of any research prospects. Nevertheless, scholars’ interest to precedent units is explained not only by the worldview-related value of precedence phenome-na, but also by the field of linguistic knowledge expressed by precedence units with the help of certain linguistic mechanisms in the realization of concrete linguistic processes. In this case one can see the opportunity of linking the object under research (precedent units) to other sys-tems of scientific coordinates. For the analysis of precedent units we used a set of special and linguistic methods, namely: the method of precedence, precedent modeling, reconstructions of cognitive structures, transformation, etc.
The research resulted in an increase of terms that are methodologically obligatory for prece-dent linguistics: a precedent reality, a precedent sentence, a precedent object, etc. Therefore, the following thesis was formulated: the cognitive nature of a precedent is a reproduced meaning which forms the basis of lexical, grammatical, and other language meanings. It is established that precedent units are semiotic signs of precedent thinking. They have a national and cultural identity and, simultaneously, a cross-cultural universality. In terms of linguistics, they also possess a global categorical status.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2020-51-3-26-48
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Key words interparadigmality, cross-cultural communication, precedent thinking, a prece-dent unit, globalisation.


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