About journal
Nizhny Novgorod Linguistics University Bulletin (LUNN Bulletin).
The journal aims to create a barrier-free communication space for the free exchange of information, experience, as well as the results of theoretical and applied research in the field of philological and pedagogical sciences. The publication is intended for researchers, teachers of higher education, post-graduate students, students and anyone interested in the achievements of modern Russian humanities. The basis of the “LUNN Bulletin” policy is the principle of openness of the publication for authors and readers.
The journal is a multidisciplinary periodical that publishes the results of research in the following groups of scientific specialties:
- 5.8.2. Theory and Methodology of Training and Education (by areas and levels of education) (pedagogical sciences);
- 5.8.7. Methodology and Technology of Professional Education (pedagogical sciences);
- 5.9.2. Literature of the Peoples of the World (philological sciences);
- 5.9.5. Russian Language. Languages of the Peoples of Russia (philological sciences);
- 5.9.6. Languages of Peoples of Foreign Countries (indicating a specific language or group of languages) (philological sciences);
- 5.9.8. Theoretical, Applied, and Comparative Linguistics (philological sciences);
- 5.12.3. Interdisciplinary Language Studies (philological sciences)
The academic journal “LUNN Bulletin” is included in the Higher Attestation Commission list of the Russian leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for PhD and PhD advanced doctorate degrees should be published (https://vak.minobrnauki.gov.ru/main).
The founder of the academic periodical: Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistics University named after N.A. Dobrolyubov.