The authors should submit electronic copies of the materials for publication through the Journal website under Submit a Manuscript.
Publication requires the authors to fill out, sign, and send by mail two hard copies of the License Agreement. The second copy of the agreement is mailed back to the authors when signed by the Journal. It is advisable to use double-sided printing on A4 sheets for the Agreement. Mailing address: 31A Minin Street, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 603155.
The Journal takes a publication fee. Payment is to be made after the Editorial Board of the Journal approves the submitted material for publication. Should the manuscript be approved, the authors will be asked to fill out, sign and send by mail two hard copies each of the Contract on rendering publishing and printing services and of the Work Acceptance Certificate.
The Journal does not take any fee for registration on the Journal website or for peer review of the submitted manuscripts. For details regarding publishing fees, see here.
The uploaded manuscript must be a MS Word file (accepted file extensions: *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf).
1.1. The complete length of the text, including the title, abstract and keywords in English, tables, figures, and the entire list of references, should be no less than 25,000 and no more than 40,000 characters (with spaces). Where the excessive text length cannot justifiably be reduced, the publication decision is made at the discretion of the Editorial Board meeting with due consideration of the recommendations by reviewers.
1.2. Text formatting
Windows system fonts should be used. If any other fonts are used, the corresponding files should be submitted to the editorial office together with the manuscript.
The manuscript body should be in Times New Roman of 14 pt size.
Page layout for the entire file should be: line spacing 1.5, paragraph indent 1.25, alignment justified, no additional spacing or intervals between paragraphs, margins on both sides of the page 2 cm.
The only acceptable text accents are italics, bold italics or bold styles. Underlining is not permitted. Any double spaces or unnecessary line breaks should be cleaned up (can be done automatically with the MS Word “Find and Replace” function).
Appropriate use of hyphens and dashes is also advisable.
1.3. Text file for the editor
The file with the article text uploaded via the submission form is intended for the editor and should contain the entirety of the information pertinent to publication (including figures and tables, author details, name of affiliated institution, etc.).
1.4. Text file for reviewers
This file with the article text should have the identical structure and content as the file for the editor, except for the information about the author(s), their employment, contact details, etc. As this file is sent to reviewers, it should provide no author details or any other information that could be used to identify the author(s) of the manuscript. This text must also have no references to other works by the author(s) identifiable as such, e.g. “As we have established earlier (author year: page number)”, etc.
1.5. Text language
The accepted languages are Russian, English, German and French.
The manuscript should generally follow the template below.
2.1. Manuscript title
The title of the manuscript must have no indent, be centred and written in bold and in CAPITAL letters. The title must reflect the purpose, object and subject matter of the manuscript. The font size is 14 pt.
2.2. Author’s name
The full name should be spelled the same as in previously published articles featured in foreign journals. The names of the authors must have no indent, be centred and written in plain formatting style. The font size is 12 pt. If the manuscript has more than one author, the name of each author is followed by a numeric superscript identifier linked with the name of the affiliated institution to be provided below.
Template for a manuscript with one author:
- I. Ivanov
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Template for a manuscript with multiple authors:
- I. Ivanov1
- P. Petrov2
1 Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2 Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2.3. Affiliation
The full official name of the institution (without abbreviations) must be provided, centred and with no indent in plain formatting style. The font size is 12 pt. The names of the city and country are given after the institution name. The name of the institution is separated by an empty line between this section and the following abstract.
2.4. Abstract
The abstract should correspond to the structure of the manuscript (introduction, purpose, research methodology and techniques, main results, conclusion), contain a description of the theoretical and practical contribution of the research. The abstract should avoid abbreviations, wordings restating the title of the manuscript, complex syntax, introductory phrases such as “the author of the article considers…”, “the article contains…”, etc.). The abstract length should be at least 250–300 words. References to publications from the accompanying literature list are not allowed in the abstract. Abstract is formatted in regular font, with no indent, alignment justified. The font size is 12 pt.
2.5. Keywords
Keywords are required (5–6 words) to ensure better indexation of the article in search engines. Keywords are separated by a semicolon and formatted in regular font, no indent, alignment justified. The font size is 12 pt. The “Key words” identifier should come in bold and be followed by a colon.
2.6. Body of the manuscript
The text (in Russian, English, German or French) should be clearly structured into major numbered sections (use Arabic numerals).
- Introduction including description of the research goal and objectives, proposition of the research hypothesis, review of domestic and international publications regarding the research subject, explanation of the contribution by the research (Introduction).
- Description of research materials and methods (Material and Methods).
- Results and Discussions.
- Conclusion.
The above sections may contain subsections that should be enumerated in the same style, for example: 3.1., 3.1.1., 3.2., 3.2.1., etc. Section names are given in lowercase letters and in bold. Subsection names are in bold italics.
Linguistic examples are given in italics, significant parts within the examples can be given in bold italics; phrasal examples are numbered (the number is in parentheses), for example:
(29) It seems likely that John will win. (Finger 1999: 17)
2.7. Tables
Tables should be given within the main text with a numbered title and clearly marked columns that are easily read and understood. Each table should have a number unless the manuscript contains only one table. The name of the table is given one line above the table with an indent of 1.25 and left alignment. The marker “Table” and its sequential number are given in bold. References to tables within the text of the manuscript should be made as follows: (see Table 1). Such references to tables are mandatory.
Table 1. Description of test tasks in the “Reading Section”
2.8. Figures and diagrams
The use of visual materials should be minimal (except where justified by the nature of research). Each figure should have a numbered caption, formatted in centre alignment. References to the figures in the body of the manuscript should look as follows: (see Fig. 1). References to figures and other visual materials in the text are mandatory.
Fig. 1. Principal types of reading
Figures are submitted as separate JPEG or TIFF files (at least 300 dpi). Charts are submitted as separate MS Excel files. No MS Word elements must be overlaid on top of the figures in the manuscript (arrows, inscriptions) since such elements may be lost during editorial review and DTP.
If the manuscript contains previously published figures, the author must provide to the editorial office of the LUNN Bulletin the consent of the rights holder to publish the image in question (indicating the journal where it was originally published).
2.9. Additional information
Additional information is provided after the article text before the list of references and is separated from the main text by an empty line. This text is formatted with an indent of 1.25 and justified alignment; the font size is 12 pt.
2.9.1. Funding information
Where applicable, a disclosure should be given as to the source of funding of both the research and the publication of the article (foundation, organization, private individual, etc.). This text is formatted with an indent of 1.25 and justified alignment; the font size is 12 pt.
2.9.2. Acknowledgments
The authors can recognize people and organizations who contributed to the publication of the article in the journal, other than the authors. This text is formatted with an indent of 1.25 and justified alignment; the font size is 12 pt.
2.9.3. Information on the contribution (participation) of each author (and persons listed under Acknowledgements)
Example: I. I. Ivanov — research concept; P. P. Petrov — collection and processing of material; S. S. Sidorov — analysis of the received data, text writing.
2.10. References
2.10.1. Referencing the sources in the manuscript
Bibliographic references in the manuscript body are given in parentheses containing the author’s surname (in the language of publication), year of publication and page.
The formatting should be the same as for the main text. References are not specially formatted in any way or written as superscript / subscript. The recommended presentation is as follows:
“…the undertaken study (Petrov 2005) revealed…”
Where one statement corresponds to several sources by different authors, references to them are given sequentially using semicolons and in chronological order, for example:
“…the undertaken studies (Nagel 2005; Chomsky 2009) revealed…”
Where one statement corresponds to several sources by one author (first), references to them are given sequentially using semicolons and in chronological order, for example:
“…the undertaken studies (Nagel 2011, 2015) revealed…” or
“…the undertaken studies (Nagel 2011a, 2011b) revealed…”
The reference should not contain a comma between the surname and the year; the page number is preceded by a semicolon and a space: (Nagel 2011: 14). Where the reference is given inside a text segment already given in parentheses, it is given in square brackets: “(S. Nagel refers to this well-known fact repeatedly in his work [Nagel 2011: 14]).
2.10.2. Content and formatting of bibliographic information Number of sources
Original articles and literature reviews should have 25–50 sources. The number of references can be reasonably increased by agreement with the editorial office. Types of sources
Dictionaries, literature and journalism as well as other such sources are not included in References and are listed separately.
References to dissertations (theses) and dissertation abstracts are not advisable. Instead, the same authors should be referenced through their publications in scientific journals or conference proceedings, monographs, chapters in monographs, etc. published before and after the dissertation.
References to online resources are allowed provided that such electronic publications are cited appropriately.
Only the publications directly referred to in the text of the article should be included in References.
Excessive citation of own publications should be avoided unless absolutely necessary (e.g. if there are no other sources of information or the new article is based on or expands on the previous research that is cited). Self-citing should be limited to a maximum of 3 sources.
The list of references should comply with the requirements of international reference databases. The list is entitled “References” and contains bibliographic information about original sources; the presentation should generally conform to the style as prescribed by APA 6th edition (American Psychological Association, Sequencing of sources
The References section is placed at the end of the publication and separated from the main text of the manuscript by an empty line. References are formatted in left alignment, without indentation, but with a 1.25 paragraph ledge. The font size is 12 pt.
All cited works are listed in alphabetical order, rather than the order of appearance, and are not numbered. Publications by one author should be sequenced in chronological order, starting with earlier publications. If two or more works were published by one author in one year, the year indication is supplemented with letters “a”, “b”, “c”, for example: 2003a, 2003b, etc. Formatting of bibliographic information in References
Bibliographic description in References is given according to the style as prescribed by APA 6th edition. The information is presented in the following order: full name of the author, year of publication (in parentheses), title of the publication, place of publication and publisher. Citations of articles published in books or journals should specify the range of pages and also volume and issue for journals. The date of publication, volume and issue numbers, pages are given in a shorthand format using numbers and punctuation.
Number of authors
The bibliographic description of each source should feature all authors unless there are more than six authors. If the publication has more than six authors, the description is abridged by “…, et al.” It is mandatory to separate the last author name and “et al.” with a comma.
Punctuation rules for References
Author initials (if any) should follow the surname and be separated from the surname by a comma.
The initials should be separated by a space; a full stop follows each initial.
Individual author names should be separated by a comma. The last author name in a list should be preceded by the “&” sign.
The names of the authors are followed by the year of publication given in parentheses. The title of the publication should be separated from the rest of the reference by a full stop. Content words in English publication titles are generally capitalized. The title of the publication (book, scientific journal, newspaper) should be italicized.
The below examples are given as punctuation guidance for the publication date, place, publisher or other impressum information.
Examples of formatting for reference sources
Referencing a journal article
Kecskes, István. (2008) Dueling context: A Dynamic Model of Meaning. Journal of Pragmatics, 40 (3), 385—406.
Long, Michael H., Inagaki, Shunji & Ortega, Lourdes. (1998) The Role of Implicit Negative Feedback in SLA: Models and Recasts in Japanese and Spanish. The Modern Language Journal, 82 (3), 357—371.
Referencing a book
Wierzbicka, Anna. (1999) Emotions across Languages and Cultures: Diversity and Universality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Referencing an edited book
Blank, Andreas & Koch, Peter (eds.) (1999) Historical Semantics and Cognition. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (Cognitive linguistics research; 13).
Stephenson, John. (ed.) (2000) Teaching and Learning Online: Pedagogies for New Technologies. London: Kogan Page Ltd.
Referencing a chapter (article) in a book
Kecskes, István. (2007) Formulaic Language in English Lingua Franca. In Kecskes, István, & Horn, Laurence. (eds.) Explorations in Pragmatics: Linguistic, Cognitive and Intercultural Aspects. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 191—219.
Hase, Stewart, & Ellis, Allan. (2000) Problems with On-line Learning are Systemic not Technical. In Stephenson, John. (ed.) Teaching and Learning Online: Pedagogies for New Technologies. London: Kogan Page Ltd., 23—34.
Referencing an e-published article (book)
Becker, Elizabeth. (2001, August 27) Prairie Farmers Reap Conservation’s Rewards. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Referencing several works by one author published in the same year
Vennemann, Theo. (2000a) From Quantity to Syllable Cuts: On So-called Lengthening in the Germanic Languages. Journal of Italian Linguistics, 12, 251—282.
Vennemann, Theo. (2000b) Triple-cluster Reduction in Germanic: Etymology without Sound Laws? Historische Sprachwissenschaft, 113, 239—258.
Referencing an online dictionary entry
Merriam-Webster. (2019, September 9) Culture. In dictionary. Retrieved from
Language identifier
The bibliographic description of a Russian-language source should be followed by text language identifier in parentheses, given at the end of the citation, e.g., after providing the page range: (In Russian). The same general rule applies to any publications that are originally not published in English, i.e., written in other languages. For example, references to German or French articles should identify the language of publication as follows: (In German), (In French), etc.
Names and abbreviations
Names of journals can be given either in full or using the official abbreviations. Correct abbreviations can be looked up in CAS Source Index, WorldCat, or the Web of Science database (ISI). If no official abbreviation of the journal name could be found, it is necessary to provide its full name.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
In all cases where a source has a DOI, it should be given at the end of the bibliographic reference. Availability of DOI can be checked on or DOI is obtained by entering the English name of the source into the search bar. In addition to the DOI, automatically generates a properly formatted bibliographic description of the article in English using the AMA (Vancouver) citation style. Reference examples of sources in a foreign (non-English) language
Sources of this type are featured in References in the alphabetical order adopted for this section, together with the sources in English, and are not given any special formatting except for the indication of the publication language in parentheses.
Ellingsen, Ann E., & Wilhelmsen, Ingvard. (2002) Sykdomsangst blant medisinog jusstudenter. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 122 (8), 785-787. (in Norwegian).
Iwanow, Andrej W., & Iwanowa, Rimma A. (2015) “Vaterunser”: Ein Versuch der kulturlinguistischen Analyse im Vergleichsaspekt (am Beispiel des Griechischen, Lateinischen, Kirchenslawischen, Gotischen, Deutschen und Englischen). Anthropos. Internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde, 110.2015/1, 145–158. (In German). Referencing sources that use alphabets other than Cyrillic or Latin
For non-Cyrillic and non-Latin sources, the bibliographic description is given in the original language of the publication (regardless of the alphabet used). Sources of this kind are provided at the end of References after the English sources. The bibliographic description of these sources should contain the official English translation of the title as given with the original publication or contain own translation (paraphrase) of the title.