Literary Concept as an Interpretational Tool in the Educational Paradigm of Philologists and Linguists

Author’s name:
Kristina G. Golubeva, Tatyana V. Sukhareva – N. A. Dobrolyubov Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


The paper analyzes and specifies the methodology of text interpretation procedure integrating the methods of cognitive interpretation and contextual analysis in the framework of semantic-cognitive approach. The research explores the status of text as the principle didactic unit in foreign language teaching, gives a gist of the traditional methodology of academic text inter-pretation, and analyzes the scholarly trends blending linguistics, the cognitive science and linguodidactics which are communicative stylistics, the semantic-cognitive approach and methodological linguodidactics. The practical part of the research studies the ways the literary concept “marriage” is verbalized in the novel “The Man of Property” by John Galsworthy. The aim of the practical part is the modelling of the concept content and the analysis of the language means that represent it, based on forty-five contexts selected by means of the continuum sampling method. As a result of the analysis of the nominative field of the concept, eleven cognitive characteristics representing its content have been determined. The compari-son of the data obtained in the course of the semantic-cognitive analysis and lexicographical data reveals that the analyzed text reflects the author’s individual worldview. The nuclear zone of the concept is comprised of cognitive characteristics that are not manifested in the content of dictionary entries. These sense components are unified by the common thematic feature: ‘Marriage comprises material and non-material forms of property.’ The authors summarize the results of the practical research and conclude that the formulations of cognitive characteristics may form the basis of academic text interpretation and be enlarged on depending on the aims of the activity. Cognitive characteristics serve as sense dominants of the speech act and the basis for other components such as detailed citation, the analysis of stylistic means, and the final summarizing statement. The application of the semantic cognitive approach in text interpretation activities allows us to determine the specificity of the content of the literary concept and to distinguish the unique traits that are characteristic of the author’s idiostyle. Thus, the integration of the traditional procedure of academic text interpretation and the methods of semantic-cognitive analysis make it possible to develop efficient methods of working with texts with the goal of determining their meaning and implications, argumentation, structural and compositional characteristics, and means of coherence.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2022-59-3-99-114
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Key words text interpretation; semantic-cognitive approach; the literary concept; the author’s individual worldview; a cognitive characteristic

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