A Model for Integrating Communication and Project-Based Technologies in Teaching Public Speaking in a Foreign Language to Future Engineers

Authors’ names:

  • Julia V. Zharova – National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia / Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • Olga A. Obdalova – National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia


One of the ways to ensure scientific and technological progress lies in the evolutionary development of technologies and the constant updating of tools and equipment. In training future engineers we must focus on training experts that are able to think analytically and systematically, work effectively in uncertain conditions, and maintain interdisciplinary discussions within a diverse team. The relevance of this article is determined by an urgent need to rethink the model of teaching English as a foreign language to engineering students on an interdisciplinary basis. Obviously, without the ability to publicly present the results of the implementation of engineering thought in an interdisciplinary and intercultural environment, the future
engineering specialist will not have full professional mobility in the labor market. In addition, outcomes of cutting-edge engineering thought and its implementation should be shared with the wider community. Thus, the purpose of the article is to provide a meaningful description of the communicative and design technology for teaching public speaking in a foreign language based on the interdisciplinary project Back Engineering Speakers Team. In this study we have sought to determine the integrative foundation of such training and to describe its advantages by utilizing an interdisciplinary approach combined with contextual and cognitive approaches that ensure the integrity of learning, contribute to the formation of complex systemic educational results in the continuous foreign-language communication skills practice, expand personal responsibility, enhance internal motivation, and foster a greater independence of students. Interdisciplinary “assemblage” of humanitarian and technical components of
educational content is achieved through the synthesis of cognitive and interpretive ways of understanding information, based on a meaningful and personal attitude to issues under consideration. The frontier task of the proposed integration is to turn the interdisciplinary academic project into the main method of foreign language learning so that its contents become a practical tool for connecting the interdisciplinary content with vocationally oriented training. A distinctive feature of such communicative-project technology would be creating a communication-dominated environment through comprehensive goal-setting in integrative formats of joint work carried out in a foreign language. The results of such interdisciplinary integration would allow us equip students with systematized knowledge and transferable skills which participants of IP BEST cross-disciplinary teams obtain at foreign-language public speaking training events.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2023-61- 1-175-190
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Key words interdisciplinarity, communication- and project-based technology, teaching, public speaking, foreign language, integration, engineering profile, engineering, competencybased training (CBT), transferable skills

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