Author’s name:
Irina A. Kovalskaya
A. P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) Rostov State University of Economics, Taganrog, Russia
The article looks at the distinctive features of colloquial elements in the fiction by modern Russian writer Roman Senchin. The work of R. Senchin, recognized by critics as scandalous and extraordinary, is very popular, especially among young people. Readers appreciate the writer for a truthful presentation of reality, an independent opinion about the events described, and a highly individual manner of depicting the inner world of the characters. A distinctive feature of R. Senchin’s texts is their close resemblance to colloquial speech. It has been suggested that it is precisely through the active use of colloquial constructions that the author deals with issues posited in his work. The present study focuses on the novel “The Yoltyshevs,” the novella “One Plus One,” and the short stories “To the Husband”, “For the Meeting”, “The First Girl”, “Athenian Nights”, and “A Spoonful of Sugar”. In order to study the real speech situations created by R. Senchin to figuratively reflect reality and to describe the experiences of the main characters, the author uses the research techniques of close reading, observation, description, and generalization as well the stylistic, the comparative, and the quantitative methods, singling out and closely examining preventive statements, allusions, hyperboles, anaphoras and repeating words (reduplicates) used by R. Senchin in his dialogues. Since, being fictional, these dialogues are stylized, their analysis, among other things, included the study of the author’s intenions. As a result, it was established that these samples of fictional colloquial speech are characterized by syntactic originality, lexical poverty, stereotyping, general, neutral and substandard vocabulary, use of profanity, and a great number of pronouns. The author concludes that R. Senchin’s successful intent to make his narration similar to an oral story is a powerful part of his authorial purpose.
DOI: | 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2022-57-1-43-58 |
Downloads | 288 |
Key words | conversational elements; fictional dialogue; Roman Senchin; means of speech characteristics; speech culture |