The Specifics of the Communicative Situation of Court Interpreting

Author’s name:
Stanislav V. Starodubov – N. A. Dobrolyubov Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


The article discusses key features and characteristics of court interpretation as a communicative situation. The problems and challenges of court interpretation have not yet received sufficient attention from scholars despite being a highly relevant issue, located at the intersection of translation studies and jurisprudence. The author postulates that legal translation/interpretation is one of the subtypes of community interpreting and goes on to argue that, even though court interpreting has certain features inherent to community interpreting, it yet possesses a number of distinctive properties and thus can be considered not only a distinct and separate but also a different type of community interpreting. This special nature of court interpreting implies the following: 1) the presence of special discourse of court interpreting, 2) the bipolar nature of communication carried out along the “confrontation-cooperation” axis, and 3) using expansion techniques when addressing the foreign communicant and, conversely, compression techniques when addressing the judge, 4) the need to form a single objective reality in the minds of communicants, 5) a special status of the court interpreter determined by the communicative interpreter’s roles, and 6) established communication models within the judicial process. In this article, for the first time an attempt is made to highlight the key properties of the communicative situation of court interpreting from the standpoint of the communicative-functional approach. The author also proposes a diagram which can be used to describe the processes that occur in communicative situations involving court interpretation.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2022-58-2-37-62
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Key words community interpreting; conference interpreting; court interpreting; communicative situation; communicative-functional approach


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