Translation and Interpretation of Ideologemes: the Experience of Translating the Basic Values of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics into Russian

Authors’ names:
Wu Mei, Olga V. Dubkova – Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an, China


In Russian political linguistics, ideologemes are usually considered as ideological dogmas, and their connections with the political system, social processes, and ethical norms are duly taken into account. With this approach, translation and interpretation of ideologemes becomes a complex process that brings into sharp relief various challenges of both the translation itself and the work of the translator and requires a more detailed and refined description of the stages and methods of such translation. When translating ideologemes, the translator functions as a translator of not only culture, but also of ideology, and, consequently, bears the burden of socio-political responsibility for the accuracy of the translation of the ideological content of a particular word and the source text. Nevertheless, at present there are numerous translations and ambiguous interpretations of Chinese ideologemes into European languages. All this determines the purpose of this study: the development of new approaches to the theory and practice of translation and interpretation of language units that have additional ideological content and are used by a certain socio-political formation to maintain social stability and to strengthen statehood. The process of translation from Chinese into European languages causes particular difficulties, since translation is carried out between languages of different typological systems and different graphic systems. Translation from Chinese of words with additional ideologized content should include several successive stages. The translator should 1) analyze the hieroglyphs that make up the original word, 2) study the processes of the formation of the new Chinese word and the formation of the associated value, tracing increments of meaning added within the framework of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and then 3) search for an equivalent concept in the target language. The process of translating ideologemes cannot and should not be limited to the use of bilingual dictionaries; translators must be encouraged to actively use an intermediary language as well as precedent texts in two languages and other sources that are relevant for understanding the original meaning. Based on the example of the translation of the basic values of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the key ideologemes of modern Chinese society, the authors propose a specific model for the translation of ideologemes from Chinese into Russian. The study can serve as a foundation for modeling the process of translation from Chinese into European languages and for clarifying the translation of a number of Chinese ideologemes into Russian.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2022-58-2-23-36
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Key words ideologeme; translation modeling; Chinese; Russian; the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


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