Author’s name:
Elizaveta D. Korableva, Elena P. Glumova N. A. – Dobrolyubov Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
The article postulates the relevance of polylingualism in a rapidly changing world and the need to study the personality of the foreign language teacher as a carrier of polylingualism that can then form a polylingual personality of the student. The study seeks to identify the conditions that should be taken into account when selecting languages for the formation of the polylingual competence of a teacher of foreign languages. The novelty of the study lies in determining the role of the language repertoire within the multilingual competence of the teach-er, as well as in systematizing and classifying the conditions that have impact on determining the student’s language repertoire. The research material is the scholarly and methodological literature on the problems of polylingualism. The leading role in the study is assigned to the inductive method. A hypothesis is put forward that the factors and conditions in determining the language repertoire of the polylingual competence have a significant effect on the entire educational process. The polylingual competence of a future foreign language teacher consists of four components: communicative (the level of language training), general cultural (deep knowledge of native and foreign cultures), professional and pedagogical (the ability to organize language teaching), and psychological (preferences and attitudes). The language repertoire is a part of the communicative component of the polylingual competence of the future foreign language teacher, and the conditions for determining the language repertoire comprise four main blocks: linguistic (comparison of language systems), methodological (organization of a polylingual educational process), socio-economic (factors affecting the prevalence of a particular language and their combinations), and psychological (emotional and cognitive responses to languages on a personal level). The hypothesis of the study has been confirmed, since the difference in language repertoires of students changes the pedagogical process. In the final part of the study, the authors outline potential for the application of the suggested classification which makes it possible to determine the language repertoire of the future teacher of foreign languages.
DOI: | 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2022-59-3-115-127 |
Downloads | 379 |
Key words | foreign languages; language repertoire; multilingualism; polylingual education; polylingual personality; polylingual competence of the teacher |