Discursive Manifestation of Corporate Ideology through Cultural Codes of Television Commercials

Author’s name:
Rimma M. Mindiakhmetova – M. Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa, Russia


It is generally assumed that corporate communications fall into two groups: public relations activities and product advertising. However, a close examination of companies’ advertising campaigns shows that in real practice such differentiation hardly exists, since information concerning any given company can be traced in its advertising of its products. This provides an impetus to examine this issue from the linguistic angle. With this goal, the author utilizes an interdisciplinary approach that combines linguaculturalogical and semiotic methods. This approach provides a fresh outlook on commercials as semiotic texts, interpretation of which brings out meanings related to the company’s philosophy. A case study of car commercials featured in the American television broadcast of the Super Bowl reveals a number of means used for conveying corporate values through advertising. Sense perception of advertising signs depends on the co-text of the commercial and the context of the whole corporate discourse. Television commercials are multimodal texts that consist of verbal and multiple non-verbal code systems, and overlapping of these code systems within a videotext results in interaction of cultural codes in the addressee’s mind, which then produces meanings that hint at the company’s creed. The paper expands theoretical knowledge about text encoding / decoding: while elucidating the way cultural meaning routes the process of interpreting advertising discourse, it presents an in-depth exploration of how codes and signs intersect in a person’s mind when they apprehend the surrounding reality. It also outlines prospects for fu-ture analysis and taxonomy of possible code combinations that better convey ideological meanings in product advertising. The practical significance of the study lies in that its results may be used for improving techniques of writing advertising messages.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2022-59-3-49-63
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Key words advertising; cultural codes; hint; corporate ideology; values

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