Contrast Color Nominations as a Discourse-Forming Element (Based on “Rabbit, Run” by J. Updike)

Author’s name:
Alisa K. Polshchykova – Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia


The relevance of the study is supported by the rising interest of the academic community in the study of discourse and the ongoing need for a more detailed consideration of its constituent elements. Contrast as an artistic technique which, among other things, allows the writer to convey the ideological content of the novel, has been the object of many studies, but its discourse-forming role has not yet received the attention it deserves. The purpose of this study is to establish the discursive role of contrast in the novel by J. Updike “Rabbit, Run.” Achieving this objective entailed a number of specific tasks including: a) studying and justifying the choice of color nominations in the novel; b) identifying the various types of contrasts and their functions as well as the key contrasts that reveal the problems raised in the novel; and c) establishing the functional-semantic and pragmatic role of color contrasts in the novel. As its primary research methods, the study employed the analysis of dictionary definitions, linguistic analysis of the text, and the comparative method. The analysis of contrasting color nominations in the novel shows that they play a special role both in the formation of the overall narrative style and, more directly, in the shaping of the plot and the embodying the author’s key ideas. They help form the space of the novel and enhance its unique atmosphere, reveal the essence of characters and their relationships, convey the emotional and psychological state of the main character, and highlight the features of the worldview of typical representatives of the American linguistic culture. It can be concluded that contrasting color nominations serve as key discourse-forming elements, revealing and affirming important features of fictional discourse and enhancing the embodiment of the author’s idea and intent at every level. The results of the study may be used as a theoretical foundation for more research on literary color nomenclature and creative discourse. The findings can also be applied in classes on critical reading, intercultural communication, linguocultural studies, literary criticism, and art culture.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2023-61-1-103-115
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Key words color nominations; artistic discourse; color contrast; discourse-forming element; artistic method.

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