Multilingual Films: A New Challenge for Audiovisual Translators

Author’s name:
Anna S. Demidova, Alyona Yu. Basova – N. A. Dobrolyubov Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


This paper gives a brief review of the problem of multilingual films. Multilingualism has become so firmly established in modern life that today we become witnesses of a gradual rejection of the term ‘language barrier,’ as multilingualism itself is seen not as an obstacle to communication, but as a new form of communication. Multilingual films are films where characters use at least two different languages or at least two variants of the same language. Due to the wide presence of this category of films in modern cinema, research in this area of translation acquires special relevance. Films of this kind are also of interest as an object of audiovisual translation. Multilingualism in films can manifest itself at two levels: interlingual and intralingual. Multilingualism in films not only serves to create the ‘microworld’ of the film, but also functions as a vehicle for plot twists, comic effects, historical settings, expressions of identity, etc. In choosing a specific type of audiovisual translation, there are four traditional approaches: no translation, monolingual dubbing, monolingual subtitles with the original audio track, and a combination of dubbing (the main language of the film) and subtitles (for other languages). Through examining several Japanese, English, French, Italian, German, and Russian films, the authors consider several ways of conveying multilingualism in the translation process and conclude that one helpful resource may be the data collected by teachers
of Russian as a foreign language, since translators can use typical mistakes of foreigners studying Russian. Using the analytical model L3 as a starting point for developing an algorithm for analyzing multilingual films and considering such factors as internal multilingualism and intralingual translation, the authors conclude that this model can be further built on and, as the result, identify at least five types of multilingual films.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2023-61-1-24-40
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Key words multilingualism; multilingual films; film industry; audiovisual translation; translation studies

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