Abbreviation in the Context of New Meaning Nuances

Author’s name:

  • Ella G. Kulikova – People’s Friendship University (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia
  • Zaira K. Tedeeva –  A. A. Tibilov South Ossetian State University, Beslan, South Ossetia


The increasing volume of transmitted information and the tendency to compress information exchange units determine the special importance of abbreviations in modern media communication. Abbreviation has traditionally been studied as a productive way of word formation, connected with the principle of linguistic economy and providing conciseness of speech (sometimes, of course, to the detriment of clarity). The taxonomy of abbreviations is well described in Russian studies, and, typically, there is also emphasis on orthological problems of abbreviation, including pronunciation standards and grammatical characteristics (primarily relating to gender and declension). The pragmatic properties of abbreviations and their potential in the formation of discourse types, however, have been studied much less frequently. In the linguistic studies, there are different points of view on which signs should be classified as abbreviations: for instance, some linguists make a distinction between shortenings and abbreviations, etc. In this article, a broad understanding of abbreviation is accepted, and abbreviation is considered to be any process of reducing units, since it’s the process of reducing the original name that seems to be essential. An abbreviation is a separate sign, whose function-ing in different types of discourse modifies its semantics, forms a new (i.e. different from original phrase) pragmatic content, and acquires the ability to nuance thought in a special way. There are abbreviations that produce a comic impression due to their semantic absurdity coupled with diaphony. For some abbreviations, the degree of their prominence may not ontologically correspond to their nominative significance. In addition to their nominative function, abbreviations in modern media play many discursive roles. Being signs of secondary nomina-tion, abbreviations (especially those that have been in use for a long time) can get new connotations in comparison with the original phrase; thus the full nomination and its abbreviation often differ in the shades of their pragmatic meaning. This research analyzes the cognitive and linguopragmatic parameters of abbreviations from the standpoint of modern linguistic ecology, using the material of modern media texts. Since the ecological approach to language re-sources is connected with maintaining a variety of means of embodying thought, the authors conclude that abbreviations of modern media, in their proper use (excluding agnonymy), fully correspond to ecological thinking.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2022-60-4-51-62
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Key words word formation; abbreviation; clarity; relevance of speech; irony; linguoecology

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