Experimental Research of Metacognition in Interpretation

Authors’ names:

Yulia O. Shvetsova, Anna V. Perevalova – Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia


The article examines the possibility of experimental research of interpretation from the psycholinguistic perspective. The aim of the study is to capture and describe the metacognitive strategies that influence the process of interpretation. Metacognition is understood as mental activity aimed at understanding, regulating, and evaluating cognitive processes. The theoretical analysis of academic literature presented in the article reveals the differences between metacognitive and cognitive processes. Based on the important characteristics of a number of psychological mechanisms that are important for the performance of interpretation (perception, attention, probabilistic forecasting, imagination, memory, and emotional intelligence), the authors give examples of metacognitive questions that help future translators to under-stand and assess how well certain of their metacognitive strategies are formed. The paper presents a detailed scenario of one such experiment, using as research material transcripts of interpretation performed as well as transcripts of discussions held before and after the interpretation. A total of 130 minutes of oral speech were analyzed, and excerpts from the discussion confirm the conclusions presented in the article. During the experiment, the authors were able to capture metacognitive strategies which manifested themselves at all stages of interpretation: from preparation for the upcoming situation of professional interaction to evaluating the results of the work. The paper features a number of examples of individual metacognitive strategies that reflect personal characteristics of processing and presenting information, and the analysis of the data obtained shows a special importance of the metacognitive strategy of an interpreter’s awareness of themselves as a specialist/expert. A better understanding of the nature of professional interpretation clearly leads to a more effective analysis of reasons for both successful translation solutions and translation failures. This observation demonstrates the importance of the propaedeutic stage in the training of future translators as well as the importance of developing and honing reflection skills throughout professional practice. The practical relevance of the research lies in its usefulness for developing effective tools that would allow translators and interpreters to understand and enhance their personal metacognitive strategies for better analysis, structuring, and presentation of information.

DOI: 10.47388/2072-3490/lunn2022-60-4-192-207
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Key words interpretation; interpreter; metacognition; cognition; metacognitive strategies; experimental research

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